Million Abbreviation: How to Abbreviate Million MM, M, mm, or m? Capitalize My Title Abbreviation for Million and Thousand: K & MM Meaning

 In Bookkeeping

million abbreviation mm

While it is accepted in English today that one billion equals 109, it is important to be aware, especially when reading older texts, that in the United Kingdom billion hasn’t always meant 109. Until the 1970s, when the United Kingdom officially adopted the American definition of billion, this word represented 1012 in British English. It comes from middle english “milioun”, from middle french “milion” and from early italian “millione”.

It makes the most sense considering that “million” starts with the letter “M.” Most abbreviations follow this standard practice. Maximizing the impact of your resume is all about using your space wisely. Don’t use two words when one will do — and don’t spell out whole words when common abbreviations are easy to read and save space. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to abbreviate million, billion and thousand on a resume, as well as other common resume abbreviations you should be using. Now that you know several large number abbreviations, you have access to several options you can use in your reports or other forms of writing. You may also find it helpful to review measurement abbreviations for common units.

Mixing use of K for thousands and MM for millions

Other numbers, such as “thousand,” have more interesting abbreviations, such as “k.” The three letters “mil” are very clearly defined as mbeaning million, so you shouldn’t run into any issues. In finance and accounting, MM (or lowercase “mm”) commonly denotes that the units of figures what does mm mean presented are in millions. In this context, MM is the same as writing “M multiplied by M,” which is equal to “1,000 times 1,000,” which equals 1,000,000 (one million). If a financial statement has a lot of large figures, the accountant may simply dispense with abbreviations.

  • While the letter “k” is the most common abbreviation, there are a few different ways to abbreviate thousand.
  • Despite their ubiquity and usefulness, contractions are sometimes frowned upon—especially in formal language or in print.
  • So, “10,000,000” could become “10MM” or “10M.” “10 million” is also acceptable, but don’t use “10mill,” which is overly informal — stick to the more common abbreviations.
  • Using uppercase (“MM”) or lowercase (“mm”) are both fine, as long as you’re consistent.
  • That said, if your organization uses M and it doesn’t cause confusion, you are free to use M to abbreviate one million.
  • You shouldn’t use abbreviations in academic or official writing.

To further muddy the waters, K can also mean “kelvin,” which is the base unit of temperature. The least ambiguous approach is to simply write them out in words, such as “$ thousands.” This is CFI’s recommended method, to avoid any potential confusion. The correct abbreviation for “million” in the UK is only M. “M” is the only acceptable abbreviation to use for “million” in UK English. You’ll find that a lot of UK native speakers won’t even know what “mm” stands for (outside of the “millimeter” measurement that is abbreviated to “mm”).

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You can also use the abbreviation “mil” in casual conversation. You might hear something along the lines of “He dropped a couple mil on a new car,” or perhaps “How many mils is that house? ” This abbreviation works for both spoken and written dialogue, and is easily recognizable. Abbreviating one million dollars is done using the above abbreviations. Generally, the abbreviation with two M’s is preferred in finance.

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