Discover The Egypt’s Dark Side

 In information about egypt

We’re going to know everything about Egypt’s Dark Side in detail through this digital article from FTS press.

Egypt is unquestionably a diverse country. As outstanding and remarkable as the pharaohs’ architectural and artistic appears to work, being there as a visitor is irritating and tiring. What irritated us the most and what you’re ready for will be revealed here.

Egypt’s Dark Side

Fundamental issues

The scam begins shortly after touching down at the airport: You want to get your travel visa as a frantic and assertive crowd of massively shouting men with tour operator logos pushes you away from the actual bank cash register or towards their visa counter. They want you to pay $ 30 or more rather than the set amount of $ 25 for a 28-day visa. Or else they threaten to postpone the hospitality transmission. Don’t be duped; there is no legal justification for this.

Many things differ in the United States than in Europe. Several more structures and roads are in disrepair, the air is haughty, and there is a lot of noise.

The fate of tourists and the people who rely on them

Of course, the present situation exacerbates this perception because only a portion of the initial international visitors to Egypt has returned since the revolution in 2011. As a result, all those despairing folks relying on tourism swoop down on the remaining people. On the one side, you’d nearly feel sorry for them in their situation if they weren’t all so rude, deceitful, and untruthful at the same time.

Egypt’s first learning experience: don’t trust anybody; you are your only buddy! As feel down as it is for us to have to write that, it is sadly true.

How so many twice have we tried to offer chances to get the proper direction that doesn’t end up in a gift shop, to board a taxi and not being pushed somewhere else, to get a suggestion without even being cashed after, to request for the price without to pay a numerous of the locals’ price?

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Situation of safety

One item to remember when visiting the Land of the Ancient Egyptians: every tourist is regarded as a strolling wallet. It is difficult to engage in a conversation on a human level, far less if there is no business at stake.

Notwithstanding all of it, we were never afraid. We do not believe that the rate of a straightforward violent act, like pickpocketing, is any more significant than in major European cities. The roads are preoccupied, particularly late at night and night, so walking around is possible even at these hours. Nevertheless, we must state that we’re still going to travel as a pair.

I’m sure I’d be uncomfy as a woman, no matter what time of day. If you have a man by your side, prepare to receive unwanted comments and end up on the snaps of several Egyptian men without being questioned.

There is no regard for anything

Moreover, it is a great shame that several Egyptians do not enjoy the old buildings and traditional culture. The self-proclaimed custodians start smoking inside the temple complex, ascend over barriers, make contact walls with hieroglyphics, and tolerate similar steps by tourists, sometimes asking them to do so in some cases, only to receive a few dollars.

Another distinction between Egypt and the rest of the world is that Egyptians cannot (or do not wish to) stand in a queue. That has never happened to us before. They constantly push themself forward, whether at an ATM, train station, or metro ticket office, and anybody who does not shudder is ignored. You should not expect somebody to give you even a smidgeon of favor.

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Why do we recommend Egypt in the first place?

Notwithstanding, we do not feel guilty visiting this contradictory country. We have seen some of the earliest and most remarkable structures in human history up close and personal. We also appreciate the abundance of inexpensive vegetarian food options and freshly pressed juices

You could manage (almost) anything here, as long as you get the “normal” price and not the visitor price. And over 200 kilometers of 2nd train journeys, for example, costs less than two dollars. We don’t understand other comparable countries (I mean, falafel sandwiches for ten cents – where else could you get all that?).

Additional articles

Each country has its advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, we must concede that we were very seldom as displeased, irritated, and sometimes downright irritated by a state and its occupants as we were by the Egyptians.

What are some of the adverse repercussions of the tourist industry in Egypt?

Tourism revenue raises fundamental water requirements, which also, in a land as dry as Egypt, causes numerous structural problems and droughts in many areas.

Egyptians are extremely friendly and willing to go their way to ensure you have a pleasurable time. They are proud of their nation and want tourists to see how gorgeous it is.

Do female visitors in Egypt have to cover it up?

In a nutshell, no. In Egypt, tourists are not required to wear a hijab or any other type of hair or facial trying to cover. The one exception is visiting a mosque; in that case, you must be aware that you are trying to enter a religious building and cover it up.

How does Egypt treat visitors?

Egyptians are very inviting and warm-hearted individuals who make guests feel welcome and wanted. Since ancient times, Egyptian accommodation has been well-known, and it was emphasized by grand feasts held in honor of those capable of sharing and diplomats.

In Egypt, could a woman wear shorts?

Apart from beach hotel cities, female visitors are not advised to wear shorts in Egypt. Numerous visitors visiting Egypt for the first time ask us what clothes they should bring.

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Is it legal to get a tattoo in Egypt?

As Egypt has become more of a devoutly led country, with a sizeable Muslim population and an influential Coptic Christian population, having a tattoo has become primarily taboo and against social norms,’ owing to being viewed as a sort of sin by Egypt’s religious community.

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